[Harmony-Drafting] some comments
villalu at gtlaw.com
villalu at gtlaw.com
Thu Feb 16 21:34:30 UTC 2012
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> > 1) The template generator has some issues. In particular,
> it says "Would
> > you like to add a media license." This language implies
> that the media
> > license is optional; and indeed, the generator is happy to
> spit out an
> > agreement even if you do not select a media license. That
> results in an
> > agreement that says:
> >
> > In addition, We may use the following licenses for Media in the
> > Contribution: (including any right toadopt any future
> version of a
> > license if permitted).
> >
> > That's obviously nonsensical; it would be better if the generator
> > removed the language altogether if no license was selected (which I
> > think is the common case for most projects).
> This is definitely a bug. There's code in place to drop the Media
> license clause if none is selected, so I'll dig in and figure out why
> it's not working. Was that in the generated PDF or HTML (or both)? The
> code paths are different for each, so a bug in one format of
> output may
> not affect another.
PDF; I did not look at the HTML. (Don't tell my Mozilla friends, I'll
get flogged. ;)
> The selector is a public github project, I'll track these as
> issues there:
> https://github.com/allisonrandal/harmony-selector
Ah, terrific.
> (BTW, I haven't specified the license on that code yet. I
> assume we want
> a FLOSS license, I'm open to the general consensus of the Harmony
> drafting group in picking which one.)
Apache or AGPL; the other choices for a web project are all basically
the same ;)
Luis (no real comment on the rest of Allison's responses ATM)
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