[Harmony-Drafting] Beta draft

Radcliffe, Mark Mark.Radcliffe at dlapiper.com
Wed Jun 22 07:51:22 UTC 2011

I think that we can put the definition of Patent Claims with the patent license. However, the current formulation has several problems:

1.      The license should be under a defined set of rights. The current draft refers to "patent license" which does not make clear what rights are being licensed. The definition refers to certain rights "including without limitation" and then includes the patent claims definitions. Instead, the definition should be limited to the claims as defined not "including without limitation".

2.      The concept of "any portion" should be included because it is needed for MPL.

3.      The concept of "later acquired" should be included because it  is needed for GPLv3

4.      Section 3b should read as follows since patent claim is no longer defined (or even used as "patent claim").

You \(i) own the Copyright in the Contribution and (ii) have the right to grant the rights based on patents in Section 2.2

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